Sumber asal artikel adalah daripada salah satu laman web popular Kristian iaitu Kalau bukan laman Kristian pun ianya pasti di dalangi oleh manusia yang membenci Islam dan berusaha untuk menyuntik perasaan takut / benci terhadap Islam dan penganutnya.
Sebenarnya dah tulis panjang lebar tadi, tapi pc hanged dan semua hilang, so, fuck it, i go directly to the story. Sumber asal..
jadi sahabat saya Wendy nie pula terbaca dari memandangkan link yg di share adalah dari sumber tersebut.
Merasa tidak sedap hati mengenai laporan tersebut, saya google lah lagi, banyak juga laman web Kristian dan Barat yang upload artikel yang sama... tetapi akhirnya ... kebenaran itu milik oraang yg benar juga.
Boleh tekan tajuk dibawah untuk dibawa terus ke laman yang dimaksudkan..
Islamophobes Publish Fake Image of “Muslims Throwing Christian Girl From Window”
Posted on 04 December 2013 by Emperor
By Emperor
The image above was posted on the right-wing website,, in an article titled “Muslim Mob Justice–15 year old girl thrown from Third Floor window.”
Free Patriot has a half million Facebook fans and after the article was shared on its page it went viral on the Islamophobia industry’s interwebs.
Rick Wells who authored the post claimed that the picture was of a girl thrown from a third floor window by Muslims,
In a truly outrageous demonstration of the lawlessness that exists in Egypt today, the Muslim residents of a small village in southern Minya province went on a rampage. They attacked Christian homes, burning 10 of them. 15 Christians were wounded, including a 15 year-old girl who was thrown from the third floor of a building. The report is from Ezzat Ibrahim, a minority rights activist.
Wells made the story about the image up whole cloth.
The real story behind the image: It is actually from June, 2011 and takes place in Shanghai, China not Minya, Egypt and the woman was not thrown out of the window but rather fell from the fifth floor!:
A WOMAN has survived a fall from the fifth floor after a number of windows she hit on her way down broke her fall.The Sun reports horrified onlookers saw her jump out after someone is believed to have threatened her.
Asia One said the incident happened at a residential building in Shanghai’s Luwan district, where the woman was spotted crouching from the window on the fifth floor yelling, “Somebody is going to kill me!”The woman, 29 lost her grip on the window and fell into several open windows, which sent her spinning during her fall.The unnamed woman was rushed to hospital after the plunge and is recovering from the incident.It happened just days after the woman was diagnosed with schizophrenia.
It isn’t surprising or exactly breaking news that the Christian Right is willing to go to the lowest depths to demonize Muslims and Islam but what’s interesting is the pathology behind their lies.
Even after several commenters exposed the story to be false, many continue to believe it and state quite clearly that they do not care for the truth:
Justin Pearson writes a comment for which he got 102 upvotes:
Ok., stop looking at the girl ppl. Its not about her. Yes., she is Asian. Yes, she got thrown out a window and yes., she is bound to suffer some terrible injuries when she hits that window and the ground after…, please however as Pissed off Patriot says., its not about her., its the story as a whole.
We can become side tracked by the smaller things ( I apologise to her parents for that choice of words) but its the greater picture here folks.
islam is taking over the world in an extream atmosphere over run by extreamists and a weak islamic communist loving son of a bitch in the oval office named obama who happens to hate Americans who has actually broken international law…., as well committe high treason for selling weapons to known enemies.
The point here folks…., is that islam cant be trusted.
Either you bow down to their false god and become a cult member, or you get thrown out windows or stoned to death or something else.
Howard writes,
muslim trash of the earth
Rick Mage, the proud Texan,
Hey, come try that shit here in Texas, Muslim militants! We’ll be more than happy to mow you scums down.You’ll find that the Christians in Texas aren’t so easy to push over, and we LOVE TO fight! So, come on down!
I can’t believe you people are over looking what this story is about! It’s not about the picture damn it! It is about the fact that Muslims kill for no reason other than their own laws!! Forget if shes’ Asian or her age! Read the story not look at the picture! This shows that you are uneducated and this is the problem with letting Muslims get away with what they are doing around the World!!!!!
On the Christian Right it’s OK to spread lies and fear in the War against Islam, who knows which Jesus they believe in, probably the wrathful one.
Islamophobic And Proud Of It
Kalau kalian baca komen2 dari para penyokong gerakan membenci Islam ni pula anda akan lihat sendiri betapa buruknya persepsi mereka mengenai Islam dan penganutnya...
atleast. kami takde la nak buat2 kerja2 low class ni utk memburukkan orang lain. hak hak hak