29 December 2015

Trip Hujung Tahun ke Ipoh

Trip kami ke Ipoh...

Sangat happy dapat bawak anak2 dan keluarga jenjalan.. Syukur tiada kesesakan teruk walopun musim perayaan...

trip best, so, lepas ni kita tumpu pada negeri lain pulak...

Day 1. lepas amek kereta sewa, thanx to boss sebab bagi keluar awal ckit, utk g amek kereta sewa.. haah kan , xde bergambar gnan kereta.. ye la, kang nampak poyo lak, bukan kereta sendiri pun hak hak hak... belanja utk kereta je seribu, nak selesakan anak2 punya pasal.. haha.. bukan starex, bukan alpat, tapi naza ria... ok gak, selesa...

17 December 2015

Facebook - Statement Bodoh dari si bodoh

Ditakdirkan dalam dunia kini si pandai dinilai pada skroll yang dimiliki dan pada kemewahan yang dikecapi.. Pandangannnya yang berskroll dan mewah tu mestilah si pandai, maka pendapatnya mestilah betul. Kalau tua mestilah matang, kalau muda mestilah kurang matangnya, Yang berpendapat sebegini masih tak faham kenapa ada org tua masih berjoget dangdut di kelab2 dangdut di tanah ini..

Untuk kali ni maka nak share pasal si bangang yg demikian, untung la ak ucover ckit nama tu. Kalau zaman aku multiply dulu, mmg terang2 la muka kau aku tepek. hahaha...

jadi , buat masa ni kebangangan budak ni menjadi viral jugak la dalam Malaysia, korang dah boleh agak sebab dia menjadi viral...  

06 December 2015

Mandi Hujan di Ulu Bendul

Dalam 2 minggu ni, kerja banyak sangat, kesian kat bebudak sebab x di bawak g jenjalan.. ada la, kami duk tido kat umah kg di Batu Kikir, rumah uwan ...

Uwan x balik, kami yg balik hahaha... teman itik angsa...

jadi pada hujung minggu ke-2, baru lah dapat singgah Ulu Bendul, itupun sebab mmg dalam laluan... sekali tu hujan lak...

hujan...? aummmm.... abah sukaa..... hahahahaha

20 November 2015

How to Treat a Smashed Finger

How to Treat a Smashed Finger

Smashed Finger - (c) Jesse Radonski

Just the mention of a finger getting squashed in a door or getting pounded by a hammer is enough to make most people cringe. I don't know a single person who hasn't felt the throbbing agony of a smashed finger. It doesn't take much for us to learn to get our fingers out of the way, so this is an injury more common in kids than adults.

What to Do Immediately?? haaa...tokan bawah ..

Assuming you've extricated the finger (this would definitely be step one), there are a few things you can do to alleviate your excruciating pain:
  1. Ice it. Use an ice pack to reduce pain and swelling. Keep the ice on it for 15 minutes a couple of times an hour for the first few hours after smashing it. Don't keep ice on too long or you can develop frostbite.
  2. Elevate it. Letting your hand dangle at your side after smashing your finger will simply increase swelling and that uncomfortable throbbing. Hold it up to reduce the pressure in there.
  3. Use it. I don't expect you to start lifting weights with your injured finger, but keep it moving. If you can't move your finger or if you can't feel it (in a few minutes that is--you've got to give the throbbing time to go away) then you should visit the doctor.
  4. Take a pill. Over the counter painkillers can help relieve the constant reminder that you didn't move quick enough.
Don't wrap a finger. We already struggle to get blood flowing to the tips of our fingers and toes on a good day. Wrapping injured fingers and toes can lead to more damage when vital oxygen and nutrients can't get to the tips. Covering a finger injury is not a bad idea, especially if you're still working, but keep it loose.

What to Do in a Day or Two

Smashing your finger is just the beginning. The fun really starts when the blood builds under the nail. You might see the nail turning color--usually dark blue or black--and feel a lot of pressure. This is what happens when a bruise is contained in the tiny space at the tip of a finger.

Letting the pressure out will help the healing process and significantly reduce the pain.
Make sure you touch bases with a healthcare provider before trying this. You'll need a lighter or a candle, a pair of pliers and either a clean paperclip or a safety pin. From here on out, we'll only refer to your weapon of choice as a paperclip, but it doesn't matter which one you use.
  1. Wash the finger thoroughly. You do not want to develop an infection in the tip of your finger.
  2. Open the paperclip so that you have a straight edge.
  3. Holding the paperclip with the pliers, heat the tip in the flame until it is red hot.
  4. Carefully touch the red hot tip of the paperclip to the area of the nail where most of the blood is collected (usually the darkest spot on the nail) and put just a little bit of pressure on it. Keep it there until the paperclip burns through the nail. Don't push hard; just let the heat do the work.
The blood might gush out of the hole once the paperclip burns through. In time, if the hole closes up again, you can repeat the procedure. This procedure shouldn't hurt much if at all. If the pain is too severe to try this, you'll need to see a doctor.

When to Go to the Doc

In most smashed finger cases, you don't need to run to the ER. Occasionally, the finger might be broken.There are exceptions to any rule, however, so visit your favorite healthcare provider if you have any of the following:
  • Deformity
  • Numbness before you put any ice on it (especially if you don't even feel throbbing)
  • Signs of infection
The fingernail might fall off. It's not ideal, but chances are very good it will grow back without a problem. While it doesn't necessarily mean you should see a doc, a missing fingernail is at least worth a call to the office.

sumber :http://firstaid.about.com/od/breaksandsprains/fl/How-to-Treat-a-Smashed-Finger.htm?utm_content=20151119&utm_medium=email&utm_source=exp_nl&utm_campaign=list_firstaid&utm_term=list_firstaid

07 November 2015

Nurul Nizran Gunung Angsi

Pendakian Gunung Nurul yang pertama...

Sebelum mendaki... rupanya dah ada pondok Ranger dekat starting point, disini, pendaki diminta isi nama dan bayar permit mendaki RM5.00 seorang...

16 May 2015

Kempunan makan cekodok...

Bahaya susunan dalam bonet kereta yg buka style mcm pintu kembara.

Ditakdirkan susun rim besi moto dtm dalam tu utk bg pada farid. Sekali bila bukak pintu je, rim tu menggelongsor terus dan landing kat kaki.

Pergh..  Mintak nyawa sakit eh.

26 April 2015

Rezeki pergi baby fair

Baby n kidz fair di Dewan Mps Seremban. 

Syukur, kami sekeluarga ke Dewan Mps tepat pada masanya.  Kami menang BEBERAPA cabutan bertuah. Happy sangat sebab dapat pram.

Selain pram, dapat goodies, dapat kasut, pampers, makanan ringan... 

Tak lupa masa menghantar barang2 ke kereta, ada pelangi kembar. Suka sangat Nurul masa tu.

Lama cuti dari blogging... 

Ada masa sambung balik pelan2 hahahaha

Kurang ajar mamat ni pegang kepala anak den, hahahaha